Practical PMP with Primavera

Practical PMP with Oracle Primavera P6

The latest edition - Practical PMP with Primavera P6 R15. It contains PMP exam 2016 updates, effective from 12th January, 2016.

This is a uniquely designed program to prepare you both on PMBOK Guide 5th Edition for PMP certification and Oracle Primavera P6 Professional R15.x and R8.x. PMBOK guide is discussed along with detailed hands-on Primavera P6 practicals.

To install Primavera P6, the step-by-step approach has been given. These are for Primavera P6 Professional R15.2 and Primavera P6 Professional R8.3. The steps will be quite similar for other R15.x and R8.x releases. 

Few White Papers - PMBOK with Oracle Primavera P6 8.x in a Practical Way

Practical PMP with Oracle Primavera P6 applies to R15.1, R15.2 and R8.4, R8.3 and R8.2. The edition used for PMBOK is its 5th Edition - the latest one. Also the course contains the PMP Exam 2016 Updates.

1. Practical PMP (includes PMP Exam 2016 Updates) with Oracle Primavera P6 Professional P15.x (15.1, 15.2):
  • Practical PMP with Primavera P6 15.x - Course Overview (Link)
  • Practical PMP with Primavera P6 15.x - Complete Course Detail (Link)
  • Practical PMP with Primavera P6 15.x - Course Benefits (Link)
  • Practical PMP with Primavera P6 15.x - Certification Process for PMP, Oracle Primavera P6 (Link)
  • Practical PMP with Primavera P6 15.x - Who Can Attend (Link)
  • Practical PMP with Primavera P6 15.x - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) (Link)

2. Practical PMP (includes PMP Exam 2016 Updates) with Oracle Primavera P6 Professional P8.x (8.2, 8.3, 8.4):
  • Practical PMP with Primavera P6 8.x - Course Overview (Link)
  • Practical PMP with Primavera P6 8.x - Complete Course Detail (Link)
  • Practical PMP with Primavera P6 8.x - Course Benefits (Link)
  • Practical PMP with Primavera P6 8.x - Certification Process for PMP, Oracle Primavera P6 (Link)
  • Practical PMP with Primavera P6 8.x - Who Can Attend (Link)
  • Practical PMP with Primavera P6 8.x - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) (Link)
A small video (2m:14s) on Practical PMP with Primavera P6 is available at youtube.

***Note***: Every buyer of this course will get a complimentary copy of the book:
I Want To Be A PMP, free of cost.

If you want to buy the material of Practical PMP with Oracle Primavera P6, please send an email: managementyogi at gmail dot com.
